Eligibility to receive direct health services at the Alaska Native Medical Center is outlined below. Those eligible to receive these services are stated in detail in ANMC Policy # 703.
Alaska Native Medical Center can administer direct health services to eligible people who meet the following requirements:
Alaska Native and American Indians
Children of an Eligible Person, including:
- Non-Native foster children;
- Adopted children;
- Stepchildren;
- Legal wards or orphans, until they reach the age of 19.
Limited types of services can be administered to certain individuals who meet the following requirements:
Person Pregnant with an Eligible Person’s Child
ANMC will provide limited services to non-Native women pregnant with an eligible Alaska Native or American Inidan man’s child.
Emergency Care
ANMC will provide emergency medical screening and stabilization to all individuals, including those who not otherwise are eligible for services, in accordance with the EMS/EMTALA Policy and related procedures. ANMC may also provide additional care that may be needed until an appropriate referral can be made and/or to complete the course of treatment.
For further assistance or questions, contact Central Registration at (907) 729-1395.