Safety and Quality at ANMC
The Alaska Native Medical Center and its staff are committed to providing the highest levels of quality and safety in the health care and services we provide for our patients. ANMC staff and infrastructure are often measured for quality and safety standards by independent surveyors. In addition, ANMC staff are always building upon our existing processes and procedures to ensure we are providing the best in quality, safety and care.
ANMC has a legacy of safety and quality, which is backed by a long list of accreditations and awards. Here are some notable measures of safety and quality:
- ANMC hospital was certified as Alaska’s first Level II Trauma Center, providing the highest level of trauma care in the state since 1999.
- Accreditation by The Joint Commission, the gold standard of quality care for health care organizations around the nation.
- Received the prestigious American Hospital Association’s Carolyn Boone Lewis Living the Vision Award for work improving the health of Alaska Native and American Indian people through actions that go beyond traditional hospital care.
- Received the Center of Excellence in Evidence-Based Practice Award in 2006.
- Earned Hospital Quality Achievement Awards in 2006-2007.
- The Alaska Native Medical Center became the first hospital in Alaska recognized as a comprehensive pediatric emergency care facility by the Pediatric Facility Recognition Program run by the Department of Health and Social Services in conjunction with the Alaska Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Board in 2015.
In recent years, the ANMC hospital and its clinics have received the following awards, accreditations and certifications for safety and quality:
- ANMC’s Cardiology Department was recently reaccredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) in the areas of Adult Transthoracic, Adult Transesophageal and Adult Stress Echocardiography.
- The American Society of Health System Pharmacists recently visited the ANMC hospital for a reaccreditation survey of ANTHC’s Postgraduate Pharmacy Practice Residency Program.
- ANMC’s Medical Imaging Service’s Mammography Department, which includes the Anchorage Native Primary Care Center and the Valley Native Primary Care Center, recently passed its annual Mammography Quality Standards Act Certification with the State of Alaska with a perfect score and no citations. This marked the 10th consecutive year that the Mammography team received a perfect score.
- The Commitment to Quality Award from Mountain-Pacific Quality Health